
Share, and Earn More

Share THE RATE FIX with anybody you think would be interested, and you help push the interest rate everybody can earn upward, to a maximum of 7.25%!

Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices

Why Work With


Earn More

You will start off earning at least 4.75%, just for showing up!  From there, you can earn up to 7.25%!

With Less

You can get started with just $1. We will work with you so that you can reach an eventual minimum of $100.  The maximum you can lend at one time is $2,000. 


Currently, you can lend with a term as short as 3 months.

add a 4th item

(Add something here.)

 Earn Up To 7.25%


Earn This High Rate Just For Showing Up

For your first 20 loans, you will earn 4.75%.  You just have to follow the minimum loan guidelines.  (See guidelines here.)

.05%, .10%, .15%, and .20%

Add these fractional amounts to 4.75% to earn up to 7.25%



With your help (referrals) you have direct impact on the interest rates you can earn.

With your referrals, you can push the interest rate everyone can earn (when using their “Referral Points”) up to a maximum of 7.25%.


Add a pithy quote from someone here. 

James Doe